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Employee Directory

Cathy Pruitt 
Director of Operations

Profile for Cathy Pruitt

Cathy Pruitt is a native of Jacksonville, FL and has been with the Herbie Wiles Agency since 2006. Her move to St Augustine was prompted because she needed a change and because she loves the city and being close to the beach. Cathy is a licensed commercial and personal lines agent and has nearly 40 years of experience in the industry. She has also attended countless insurance classes and has earned the prestigious designation of AIAM. Her favorite aspect about her job is working with the customers and helping them. Cathy also enjoys the relationships she's built with her co-workers and the underwriters/staff of the insurance companies she works with. One thing she wishes clients understood was never comparing their policy with their neighbors'.

Most people don't know that Cathy was born as a preemie. She just couldn't wait until February so decided to show up in December instead. Cathy has two brothers and two sisters who all live in Florida. She considers herself "blessed to be able to grow up in a small community with two parents that were very old-fashioned, strict but very loving." 
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